there is nothing better than a bright sunny day and a clean kitchen to get me baking
my special organic chocolate filled cupcakes coming right up! (have to practice before I sell them at the sale right??)
I had a fantastic time with my two daughters and the baby at Kane County Flea Market Saturday... it was so great to see the dealers who were invited to sell here at the farm. It's so important to Jason and I to make personal contact with them... besides, a day out shopping is just what I wanted/needed.
Meeting up with two friends I haven't seen since before the baby was born was great too!
I don't know about you, but spring is awesome isn't it?? I LOVE the feeling of spring!!
A HUGE thanks to all you other super duper dealers at Kane setting out our fliers... I love all the support you give one another... and we appreciate you spreading the word of our sale (yes... I said super duper)
I saw some awesome booth setups and great stuff to buy there — but didn't buy anything this time — my hands were kind of full:)
can you believe he's a month old??

& a very special thank you to Lauren for such a sweet girft!

xo+farm blessings,