a friend of mine once called her and I "food snobs"
I thought it funny at the time, but it's one of those things that haunts me...

Considering I like making food from scratch — to suit my taste buds — going out to eat isn't that big of a deal... We also try to eat healthy organic — pasture raised — (or our homegrown & made veggies & food)
yup... "food snob"

my homemade pastaI may not over-eat, but as the great Thomas Aquinas wrote "gluttony is eating too soon, eating too expensively, eating too much, eating too eagerly, eating too daintily, and eating wildly"
Yes, that may be one man's opinion, but being that he was an amazing theologian, and I'm hardly close, I have no problem setting my pride at the door and listening to him.
Food and drink can be such a distraction... and by closing my eyes and seeing the world and everything in it with my heart, I can now savor the taste of becoming a better Me.

A fresh start
*I would like to add that feasting and eating with family and enjoying the company of others is NOT what I'm talking about... this post is a reflection of me, and how I need to work on things... and I want to make sure that I am viewing food as not a distraction in my life... but part of my life... in it's place... to be enjoyed yes, but not to be so persnickety about it*
Because certainly eating healthy and enjoying the foods of the earth are all part of
a balanced lifestyle for me and my friends and family