I am bearing much patience... still... baby is moving a lot... but inside my womb... I truly feel as though I am carrying a cross...

our mini-shrine in our home
thank you all for such nice emails and notes (comments) wishing me and baby well
it really means a lot
and I can feel your prayers... thank you... thank you...
to be honest, it's quite like every day is a week long...
and giving birth naturally, takes patience - a lot of patience
42 weeks was not uncommon just 10 years ago but now, "they" think 38 weeks is the correct time (hence why so many induced labors and c-sections in this country)
all I have to say is "FIAT" [from Latin, literally: let it be done, from fierī to become]
it has been my 'motto' since the day after my actual due date of March 9th...
I am letting it go, and giving my all for this baby
love and hugs to you all: