Holiday times brings out so much cheer!! Being that I am still up in the night with my little one does put a damper on the "cheer" factor some mornings, but today, I woke up, and all but the 14 yr. old (boy — still asleep) were outdoors playing in the fresh fallen snow... and this instantly cheered me up!
I love the seasons changing... and I have so many crafts/ideas going on inside our farmhouse that I can't wait to share with you!!!
Speaking of sharing: Jennifer Rizzo, designer/artist, contacted me to see if I wanted to share the inside of our farmhouse for Christmas decorating
a lot to do I must say... but I'm so excited to be in this line up...

starts Monday!! but I'm stop 9 (thank goodness)
do you need to feel more cheer right now?? then take a look at Jeanne's new look book at her blog — oh my goodness it is so amazing... completely so well put together and creative — her photography is so dang good
I'm off to school the kids + have some coffee + and create!! (all three together;)
peace + blessings,