you are on your way through life
i didn't know you
i don't know the day or life you have had
we are seperated by many miles and a few years
while i was wearing leg warmers you were swaddled in your mother's arms
would it matter if i knew your name + background + the shoe size you wear?
i didn't know you
you might be a passerby... your on your way while i am on mine
the nest you have woven amongst the golden hues and gray skies will never be forgotten

i stitched it for them, and they hung it in their window... so sweet... if you were here this past weekend, you would have noticed a turquoise truck + camper on the old barn foundation
on Thursday of last week, my oldest son and I were headed to our neighbor's farm to get some straw to lay down in the prairie lounge... we passed this turquoise truck... hood open... one with his head in the engine, the other behind the wheel... I stopped to see if help was needed... no was the answer I received...
again, we passed them, now with our truck filled with the straw
I thought to myself how they looked familiar without knowing them... how I needed to get home and get to work... how if they really needed my help they would have said so right??
Jason left for work when I came home... but called me 45 minutes later telling me he was towing a couple to the farm who were stranded... not surprised, I put on my shoes to greet them onto the farm
She recognized me
We started talking... and talking... and talking... not knowing how our paths are so very similar in life... deep within our souls, our experiences...
If you saw a naturally beautiful soul behind the bakery counter at the sale this past weekend, it was her...
moving to their new home
passing by the farm but never leaving my heart
we are close enough in this world to see with our hearts and not our minds, or pre-conceived ideas
it's quite simple to realize that in this world help is always there for me... I am the one who needs to accept it
acceptance is love
no matter what — trust — love -
no matter what the age difference or demographics are
no matter if we both love baking and biking
no matter if we love the nature that surrounds us
no matter if both of the men in our lives are carpenters
there is much more in common with each and every person if you just stop to notice it...
age, tattoos, color of skin... it really doesn't matter when it comes to the human experience does it...
I feel so very blessed beyond measure that I met them... and that God had our paths cross... they have been for more than one reason... they were there for me and I hope I have been there for her... for them both...
peace + blessings,