as the family grows and day flows, I can't help but wonder what is to come

upon the horizon
beyond the clouds what's the plan for dinner
looking down at these big brown eyes...

summer is so easy going care free with a quick meal from the garden
the kind that makes you feel good
am I going to run tomorrow morning? how about those weeds along the path? I have to order the meat birds...
moments are strung together like those beans I cannot seem to reach on the trellis
life is so hot sometimes it's like I'm stamping my feet crazily upon this burning fire of opportunity... smoldering it out... I don't want to see it's blaze, feel it's heat
there isn't a day that passes that I don't notice how interconnected we are to this landscape
sharing beauty
providing song

that's why I feel it's so providential that creating the October Event around the ebb and flow of the prairie life... living with the prairie, living with the seasons

enjoying the diverse landscape that is ever moving, changing
~in a world full of confusion, remember that you are worthy, connected, and lovely~

not puffed up
or theatrical our home... our place on this earth...
(if you would like to take a drive out to our farm, October 7th & 8th we would love to see you and share some time here with you for a Prairie Holiday barn sale/event)