do you ever see "diy" stuff here?
well, rarely
do you ever see Anne Marie painting something?
why is that you wonder??
hhhhhmmm... could be because I like making cupcakes rather than painting, or even weeding for that matter
I'm not much of a painter, but so admire people who do it well, and with the right 'stuff'

so downtown in DeKalb, there is a new store
Carter's Cottage
and Christie, the owner, is a certified, bonfied, dealer of this precious paint...

when I was there shopping, and meeting Christie, she was just opening the first boxes...
so exciting!

she's a total cutie, and we hit it off... we had so much to talk about... we literally talked about repelling in the south to flea market shopping...
if you are in the area, her shop is a must go!!
I even picked up a great turquoise metal youth chair that is now my oldest duaghter's art chair (more on that this week — we re-decorated her room!!)
here's Christie!

make sure you tell her I said "Hi!" when you go in...
so... who out there has used Annie Sloan paint?? and what did you think? (I really like the finish it gives on the furniture... a softness about it)