Let's be frank shall we?
okay... good
you take a strong carpenter in mind/body/soul and pair that with a vintage loving textile reader/writer and what do you have
yes... you are right... I don't have a clue either
my Mom suggested I try "Penny's" to find some curtains... so I spent the afternoon yesterday going here and there and everywhere up in town and came away with nothing from the "new stores"
I just can't do it
I tried Mom... I really did!
now... this is just my opinion... because that's all I have, but those products don't have a soul (as someone recently told me) — yes, you Bryanne! — perfectly stated
so I exhausted my goodwill, salvation army, thrift stores (na-da) pun intended
here's what I'm trying to marry:


I definitely found some treasures out yesterday
Cracker Jax is still my shop of choice
there is always something there that speaks to me
isn't that so important? I think so
xo+treaured blessings,