the bees love it... the blossoms that is

and if they love it so much, i started thinking maybe i would too
after all, they bloom prolifically, come from an herb, and are grown organically (at least here on our farm)

really, sage is a fantastic addition to any flower bed

the benefits from sage blossoms 'stem' back (pun intended) from Medieval Europe where they used to eat them to strengthen memory and promote wisdom
there are essential oils in those sage blossoms: thujone and borneol
when should you cut them? in the morning after the dew has evaporated
you can harvest the blossoms, and dry them like this for later use:

it was so delicious and fresh, and stretched my small basil plants and oregano as well...
if you do not like pecans, you can use walnuts or pine nuts as a substitution

you can also add in two chopped up spring onions, which I did the second time making this dish, and really enjoyed that flavor as well (please note: the onion is not listed in the following original recipe)

there you have it

as a side note, the studio opening was more than amazing
a steady stream of people all evening supporting breast cancer and sherrie's new shop as well
a great time downtown sycamore
i'm so proud of her
and i had so much fun with my daughter too
hope you all have a fantastic weekend
please note: sage flowers are safe, but anyone can have an allergic reaction to a new food