i have bills to pay...
but instead i read an old magazine i pulled from my files

and even though my hands should be busily planting another crop of lettuce seeds in the much overgrown garden...
i have chosen to upload some photographs to share with all of you... to hopefully encourage you... encourage me...

instead of embracing my oldest son of 14 years whose height is getting awfully close to his mother's of 5'9, I embrace the typewriter and breathe my steaming cup of coffee into my senses to arouse my slumbering mind and eagerly await the time i won't hear the rooster awake me in the wee hours of the morning or the 3 year old running to my skirt hem in horror thinking that Gilberta the goose is going to attack him when instead all she wanted was his piece of grahm cracker

excuse me while I go enjoy some homemade rhubarb/strawberry pie for breakfast with my mother in law
she's bringing me an awesome gift that humbles me to the core... serendipitous i tell you...
until next time!

he doesn't look like he "usually does here" but for some reason i just can't stop looking at him... his worried look upon my daughter's embrace is melting my heart to tears... "where's mama" is what i am calling that one
besides... he looks like a red head and he's really brown with auburn & blonde highilights:)
CHOOSE to have a great weekend even if it means you are nursing a baby 24-7 while adding to the size of your hips with homemade pies and cookies because "someone" loves to bake...