fresh rhubarb gathered from the garden

some plants are from my Hungarian grandfather, some others are from our kids' piano teacher... both together make a wonderful fresh organically grown rhubarb pie... the strawberries are a tip of the hat to my dad (his favorite pie)

strawberry rhubarb pies... getting all set for the bakery at the sale... we are so excited to see you all, and meet more of you too
and remember, if you are coming out of town, there are a few rooms left at the Holiday Inn Express with a discounted rate (just make sure you mention Farm to get that deep discount!!)

preparation, music playing and fresh to me vintage sheets on the line...
what am I listening to? First Aid Kit... love their grassroots/folk sound and I am so pleased they are making it in that tough business... been a long time listener
xo+strawberry-rhubarb blessings,