Jenn: the lamps are PERFECT!
my sunroom is almost done being transformed into me and the baby's nest...
I've gathered some of my favorite things for in here...
like this sweet little vintage gown for a "her"...

and I just found this sweet turquoise colored baby rosary that I grouped with some of my collection of old Mass Missals...

The color pattern is vibrant yet soft... soft silky textures with quilted throws... dark woods and painted furniture...

a definite gypsy farmgirl mix...
Hope you enjoyed the music I featured in yesterday's post... (if you didn't... scroll down)
Josh e-mailed me telling me how cool it is that we are homesteading... he inspires me... I even wrote a song after seeing that performance... so thank YOU Josh... anytime you are in Chi-town — I'd be happy to cook you a fresh organic meal while you play my guitar (but don't be surprised if my kids join in on the Bodhran and congas)
Wishing you all a fantastic day filled with joy and happiness...